Monday, October 31, 2016

Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween
Halloween is an incredibly controversial topic in the Christian world. It can be really hard to know where you stand on these things, especially things that not so many people take the time to question.  I hope this post can maybe help you understand another point of view on this touchy subject. These are only my opinions and what I like to do, so it’s fine if you disagree, but I’m trying to do my best to convey how I think Christians should view this sacrilegious holiday.
It is important to get some background on how this peculiar holiday began before we start viewing it under a microscope. Halloween is thought to have been started by the Celtics over 2,000 years ago, before Christianity came about.. It was a holiday when people would dress up as monsters to scare off roaming ghosts who were trying to pass into the next world. It was also a gathering at the end of the harvest season, when people would prepare for the winter and bring their animals in from the pasture. So how does knowing all of this influence one’s opinion of Halloween?
First of all, I’m pretty sure none of us have the ghosts of dead family members running around that need to be scared into the next life. Also, in America at least, I don’t think we need to have a day devoted to gathering food for the winter, as we have lots of grocery stores. Both of those things defeat the purpose of the original Halloween, so why do we still celebrate it? Why is it so widely known, and expected that you partake in this holiday?
Many people would answer these questions by stating that it is fun, harmless, and you are really just going out for the candy. That is like celebrating Christmas just for the candy canes and cookies. We have found a way to completely suck the meaning out of everything, whether it be harmful or beneficial to us. Halloween is a day when people make sport out of scaring others. They find joy in going into haunted houses and hiding behind bushes to frighten little children. I don’t think that this is a holiday that God would exactly embrace. It is a holiday celebrating darkness and paranormal activity, when God is all about light and love.
There are many gray areas for things that are evil in this world, but Halloween is not  one of them. It is a time when people embrace sin, and it is time we as Christians take a stand against that. Let us love people with all that we have, and not live for the things of this world.
Here’s two verses that I think really help us to understand how God views this:
I John 1:5-7 God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
This verse says that God is light, and that he has no darkness. It states that to be like him we must push away our darkness and walk in the light. Being in the light means walking with God and in fellowship with other believers, but walking in the darkness is to stray away from the truth.   
Colossians 3:3 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
This verse says that we need to turn away from the things of this world, and turn to God. Walk with him, and walk away from the evil of this world. When we set our minds and hearts on God, it is rather easy to see what he wants for you to do.
I really hope this helped you. If you are still struggling with where you stand,you should pray. God will always be willing to give you guidance. If you did go out on Halloween this year, I hope you stayed safe, and will consider what I have said here for next year.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pursuing Heaven

Pursuing Heaven
Heaven in its dictionary sense is a religious place, often thought of as the abode of the gods and angels, and a good place to go to when you die. That is a rather vague definition of what heaven is like.  We know little of what heaven is like, but we do know some basic things.
1. God and Jesus are there. It is the home of our father, and it is the place in which his kingdom is located. From here he created all that is and will ever be known. This is where he abides and where he rules the universe from.
2. We (hopefully) go there when we die.It is the place that we get to go and be with Jesus. It is where we will spend our eternity. Heaven is the place that we can be freed from the sin and the shame of this world. And, if we proclaim that Jesus is Lord and believe he was raised from the dead, we will get to go there.(Romans 10:9)
3. There is no pain, sin, or shame here. Heaven is perfect. God is perfect. Nothing that is imperfect can be in God’s sight. So, there is no hurting in heaven. There is joy, peace, and love. In this place, we can be seen as blameless in the eyes of God, and we can spend eternity in his perfect kingdom.
4. It is not easy to get here. The requirements seem pretty easy, right? All you have to do is believe and proclaim Jesus? But, the road is heaven is narrow and hard. (Matthew 7:13-15) It takes a lot of self-control to stay on the path to righteousness. Of course, if you fall, or stray sometimes, God will be there to bring you back. But, it is important to keep your eyes on him to be able to persevere through this hard race.(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Now, there are other things we know about heaven, but these are the ones that are super important to me. I have always desired to go to heaven, and to spend eternity worshiping my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. So what can we do when the desires to go to our home are overwhelming?
The first thing is to know that a piece of the kingdom of God is already in you. When you let the Holy Spirit into your heart, you have been invited to be a part of the kingdom. So, when you feel that longing, look inside yourself. Listen to what God has to say to you. You were made for God, so often the ways of the world are hard to live with.
Why are we a part of the world if we are going to die anyways? I always struggled with this. But, I have recently realized that we each have a unique purpose on this earth. We were designed to do something that God planned for us, and if you are still alive, then you have not yet fulfilled that plan. Our calling as believers is to make disciples of Christ.

Heaven is an amazing place where our amazing God is located. It is free from all the corrupt ways of the world. It will be our home someday. So, while sometimes it is unbearable to be in a world with so much sin and shame, remember that there is something so much better waiting for you at the end of the race.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Sets Your Soul on Fire?

What Sets Your Soul on Fire?
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
Imagine if we were constantly in the pursuit of what set our souls alight. Imagine if we found our purpose, our passion, and we fearlessly chased after it. Picture a world of people on fire for things that matter, whether it is important to them, or if it changes the world.
Let’s take a minute and think about fire. Fire can be really frightening. Imagine the first people to discover fire.They were probably in awe of it, but also very fearful of it, once they realized that it burned.  It is so beautiful, and yet it can also cause mass destruction. Fire brings good things like warmth, cooked food, and often times happy memories around the firepit with your family. But, it also brings to mind destruction and disaster.
Can you picture yourself pursuing something like this? Something that is beautifully dangerous? Can you see yourself fearlessly running into the fire to do what it is that you are called to do? And remember, this isn’t just a little birthday candle. This is an inferno, a twenty-foot high bonfire. What would it be like to light a fire in our souls that is that huge?
Right now, I find myself to be like a match in many areas of my life. What would happen to me if I poured some gasoline into the areas of my life that mattered more? Would I be content, more satisfied, and more outgoing? I think so, but always remember that fire loves fuel, so keep on feeding your fire with things that you find important, and it will keep on reaching up higher, and higher.
I know that if more people built a fire in their hearts for Christ, there would be so much less pain in this world. There would be love. There would be abundant life. There wouldn’t be any fear or hatred. So, let’s be completely fearless in the pursuit of the things Christ has placed in our hearts. Let us be fearless in the face of the fire, not running in cowardice, but approaching it with unwavering anticipation for the peace and desire that will abound in our souls.

Fire brings us anticipation for the long journey ahead. It brings us the desire for living an abundant life. Find your passions. Find the things that set your soul on fire. Chase after love, and chase after life. Set the fire, and pursue it, fearlessly.