Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What Sets Your Soul on Fire?

What Sets Your Soul on Fire?
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
Imagine if we were constantly in the pursuit of what set our souls alight. Imagine if we found our purpose, our passion, and we fearlessly chased after it. Picture a world of people on fire for things that matter, whether it is important to them, or if it changes the world.
Let’s take a minute and think about fire. Fire can be really frightening. Imagine the first people to discover fire.They were probably in awe of it, but also very fearful of it, once they realized that it burned.  It is so beautiful, and yet it can also cause mass destruction. Fire brings good things like warmth, cooked food, and often times happy memories around the firepit with your family. But, it also brings to mind destruction and disaster.
Can you picture yourself pursuing something like this? Something that is beautifully dangerous? Can you see yourself fearlessly running into the fire to do what it is that you are called to do? And remember, this isn’t just a little birthday candle. This is an inferno, a twenty-foot high bonfire. What would it be like to light a fire in our souls that is that huge?
Right now, I find myself to be like a match in many areas of my life. What would happen to me if I poured some gasoline into the areas of my life that mattered more? Would I be content, more satisfied, and more outgoing? I think so, but always remember that fire loves fuel, so keep on feeding your fire with things that you find important, and it will keep on reaching up higher, and higher.
I know that if more people built a fire in their hearts for Christ, there would be so much less pain in this world. There would be love. There would be abundant life. There wouldn’t be any fear or hatred. So, let’s be completely fearless in the pursuit of the things Christ has placed in our hearts. Let us be fearless in the face of the fire, not running in cowardice, but approaching it with unwavering anticipation for the peace and desire that will abound in our souls.

Fire brings us anticipation for the long journey ahead. It brings us the desire for living an abundant life. Find your passions. Find the things that set your soul on fire. Chase after love, and chase after life. Set the fire, and pursue it, fearlessly.

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