This year has already been more. More of what, I can’t even begin to describe! It has been busier, crazier, harder, more exciting, more joy filled, and simply more than any other year before. In the past four months, I have grown undeniable joy in ways I never thought I would! I guest wrote for another blog (find it here), made art to be featured on many other Insta accounts, gained 400 new followers, and applied for 5 art shows this semester! How did that happen? How did I go from doodling on index cards to having a booth at an art fair? How did I begin with a box of crayons and now I have an entire desk and bookshelf devoted to art supplies? How did I start with a little blog post titled “Fearless Pursuit” and end up with 150 blog posts and a Youtube channel?
I guess the answer to these questions lies in that very first blog post. I chased after the things that excited me, that gave me life, that set me on fire! I pursued them fearlessly, confident that good things would come out of this adventure, and here I am now. A year and a half ago, I was planting tiny seeds of joy. I spent time watering them and watching them grow. I moved them to be soaking up the light of the sun (or Son, go Jesus!). And then I stepped back. I never realized how crazy what I was doing was because I fully believed in it! I didn’t understand why my mom was skeptical when I said I wanted a blog, I didn’t understand why people weren’t following my Instagram (but looking back now, I kinda see it… they aren’t the best posts ever!). Yet, I kept going, kept growing, kept tending to my plants. And by some miracle, God brought growth to my life, my business, and my relationships.
I post a lot about Joy on this account. Fitting because my name is Undeniable Joy, right. Well, this was not always Undeniable Joy. When I began, I started typing in the randomest names to see what web addresses were available. I went through all the fruits of the spirit with countless adjectives, just hoping something would work. Then along came Undeniable Joy. Somehow it stuck. Honestly, I didn’t like it that much at first, yet somehow it has become my identity. I’m even thinking about legally changing my name from Katie to Undeniable Joy! (That was a joke, mom). Anyways, I cannot think of a better name for myself! When I began this account, I struggled with a lot of anxiety and was just beginning a long year of trials. If it hadn’t been for the constant reminder every time I checked instagram or my email, a constant reminder that no matter what I go through I have joy, last year would have gone very differently. I lost some people who were very dear to me, had friends in hard places, and was still struggling with anxiety. Yet I made it out, thanks to my little seeds of joy. What a blessing joy is!
This post is a recap for me, to see where I have been and where I am going. But I hope it also serves as encouragement for you! The seemingly silly things you work so hard on now may just be a lifesaver for you later. Don’t give up on your dreams, on the things you love, the things you feel called to. Chase after them fearlessly! I went from feeling like I was alone and sad to waking up every morning with a heart that is literally exploding with joy! This can be your life, too! The seeds you are sowing now, with care, love, and a whole lotta God, will grow into huge beautiful trees before your very eyes!
So where do we go from here? I don’t know about you, but I’ve made it this far. I’m not about to quit. This is only the beginning and there are so many more wonderful things in store. My life recently has been defined by jumping and shouting for joy because I am overflowing with excitement!
Those are the moments in which I feel alive. And I really like feeling alive.
Love it!!!