Saturday, February 25, 2017


The woman in the picture above is about to receive an offering from the older woman. We cannot see her face, but can you imagine how she feels? She is probably smiling, thankful for the gift she is about to receive.  Kindness makes us feel good. When we are kind, we show the world a piece of God’s character.
We are kind to others because God was first kind to us. He shows us this kindness by providing us with our needs. He meets not only physical needs, but spiritual needs, like love, joy, and hope. When we have been shown this kindness, it is only natural to pass it on to others.
God requires us to be kind to our enemies. 1 Samuel 25 tells the story of David and Nabal. David had been kind to Nabal’s men when they had crossed paths with them, so David was expecting Nabal to return the kindness by providing for David and his men. But, Nabal turned David away, saying that his servants can lie and that it is not his job to meet the needs of people he does not know. David took his men and tried to discipline Nabal, but God stepped in. God sent Abigail, Nabal’s wife, to stop David from punishing Nabal for his unkindness. Soon after this, God punished Nabal and he died.
It is not our job to repay people for unkindness, it is the Lord’s. Romans 12:17-21 states that “If your enemy is hungry, feed him: if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” We must be kind to everyone. If we know them or not, if we like them or not, does not matter. God calls us to be kind to everyone by meeting their needs in the same manner that he has met ours. God wants us to be kind to everyone: enemies, friends, family, strangers. When we are kind to others, we show God’s love to them.  

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