Monday, July 31, 2017

July Wrap Up 2017

My reading this month wasn't too shabby, considering I was travelling for 16 out of 31 days this month. I went on my Chrysallis Flight, went to Washington (the State), and worked as a camp counselor. Throughout all of that, I was able to read 3 (and a half) books this month, so I am pretty happy!
The first book I read was An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. I loved this book so much! It is for sure going to be on my top picks for this year! I have a full, in depth review of this book on my old blog, so click the link here to go check that out! I gave this one 5/5 stars! I adored it! The half book I mentioned above is A Torch Against the Night, which is the second book in this series. I had to put it on hold, though, to finish my books for class. :(
Then, I read On Writing: A Memoir by Stephen King for class. I did not enjoy this book at all due to Stephen King's writing and sense of humor rubbing me the wrong way. I wanted to learn about the craft of writing, not his dark childhood. If you like Stephen King and want to know more about his life, check it out. As for me, I gave it 3/5 stars.
The last book I read this month was A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage. This book was horrible. I was expecting some deep connection that wove all times, places, and peoples together through drinks, but that was not what was delivered. He gave a bland, base history that only covered a few eras and countries. I gave this book 1.5/5 stars. It is not worth the time.
What books did you read in July? Comment down below because I would love to hear from you!

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