Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Hands and Feet of Jesus

The Hands and Feet of Jesus
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27
I am sure we have all heard that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. But, what does that mean? How can I apply that to my life? It is a calling to be a part of the body of Christ. It is a calling to serve God’s children. It is a calling to live and love in the spirit of Jesus.
Jesus did not just speak. He healed. He held. He threw his arms wide and said, “Come to me.” He has called us to build his kingdom here on Earth, not just with our words, but with our hands. Hands to hold, to heal, to help, and to hope. Jesus used his hands.
He didn’t sit at a distance and judge. He got up and went out into the crowds. He came to us, now we are called to do the same. He told us to go out into the nations. To be his feet, to travel in his name. Jesus used his feet.
Much like Jesus used his hands and his feet, we must also do so. He did not sit idle, he did things for people. We must use our hands and feet to love people and show them who Jesus is. Paul talks about the many parts of the body in 1 Corinthians 12. There aren’t just hands and feet in the body of Christ. There are eyes, ears, heads, legs, and arms. So, when we say to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it means that through the Spirit working through us, we use our bodies to do the work set out for us and to glorify the Lord.
How can we be the hands and feet of Christ? What can we do? It is so easy to say “Just love people, be positive, share the love of Christ, build a school in a foreign country.” But, for most of us, myself included, it is really not that easy. As much as I would love to, I don’t have the money to go on a mission trip. But, I do have a food bank near my house. There’s an animal shelter and an elderly home. How about we start there? Why don’t we begin with changing lives in our home towns? You don’t have to go overseas to be the hands and feet of Christ. You can show Jesus right where you are.
P.S. (a little bit of shameless self promo) You can find more art like the cover picture on my instagram,

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