Monday, November 21, 2016

Thankful Hearts

Thankful Hearts
To be thankful is to feel or express gratitude. To be thankful in our Christian lives is to live a life that honors Christ. We do this as an expression of appreciation for all the things he has done for us. He gave his life up for us, so we need to live in a way that responds to that. We lead a life of faith, hope, and love. This is the way to display your thankfulness for what God has given you.
The world often tries to steal this thankfulness from us, but in Christ we can always find joy and gratitude. When this happens, when your feelings of respect towards what Christ did falter, remember that God is always with you, and he will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you aren’t feeling that grateful, thank God, stay in contact with him. When you do this, you make him present in your life and you will be more aware of the work he is doing in your life.
Be thankful. You have so many amazing gifts from God. Tell God what you are thankful for, give him glory for the wonderful things he has done. This Thanksgiving, don’t worry about the turkey or how many people are coming over. Give thanks for the wonderful gifts you have received daily, and don’t let the world steal your joy.

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