20 Reasons Why Jesus is the Best Dude Ever
I’m going to be honest with y’all, I’ve had a pretty terrible week. Good things have happened and bad things have happened, but through it all Jesus was there! These are just some of the reasons that I love Jesus and think he is the best dude ever! Some are funny, some are serious, but all are true. Jesus is the most awesomest guy ever and I love him more than my words could ever begin to describe. This for sure does not adequately describe his power, greatness, strength, and love, but nothing will ever compare to him.
- I have an incredibly anxious heart and only one things helps it. That would be Jesus.
- I’ve had a pretty terrible week, but I know Jesus is in control.
- This world is a dark place, but Jesus is the light.
- Jesus is legit my best friend. I tell him everything. My highs and lows, my roses and thorns, my knives and spoons, my wet and dry socks, he gets it all.
- Not only is Jesus my best friend, I’ve met all of my best friends because of him. If I didn’t go to church, I wouldn’t have the awesome community around me that I do. That community also introduced me to chacos, so I am forever in their debt ( and in debt because those things aren’t cheap!)
- He doesn’t care if I spill yellow paint all over the floor because I was bible journaling. It is my way to worship and he is just happy to be with me.
- Let’s repeat that: He is just happy to be with me! Jesus loves hearing from me and he loves it when I simply sit in his presence and be still. I don’t have to do anything, he only wants to come and hang out with me.
- I am alive because he died for me. If it weren’t for him, I would be a dead (wo)man walking and would have no hope or life in me.
- He loves me. Whenever I feel unloved or unappreciated, he is there.
- He thinks I am perfect and beautiful. How’s that for self esteem? The guy who created the stars and mountains and labrador retrievers thinks YOU are beautiful!
- He brings me immense joy. I have never thought about Jesus and felt fear, remorse, anger, guilt, or shame. All I can think of is love, peace, and joy.
- I come as I am. I can bring my freight train full of baggage and he will help me sort through all of it and let go of all of the things that keep me from being who he made me to be.
- He welcomes all. There is always enough love, enough strength, enough space to let everyone in. It’s not an exclusive club, it’s the entirety of everyone for all eternity.
- He is forever. There is no beginning and there is no end. And in all of that massiveness, he has not lost us. He knows all, controls all time and space, and yet he has time for me.
- He is the inspiration for the best music to ever exist: christian rap. It’s great and you know it.
- He is stronger than anything I will ever face. He can bring down giants, empires, and mountains with a single word. And that strength becomes ours in him.
- He is merciful. When I fall, when I stray, he picks me back up. He will always clean my wounds and put me back on the path of righteousness.
- He wants to be with me. Daddy God doesn’t force Jesus to spend time with me. He chooses to because he loves me. That’s radical if you ask me.
- He allows me to grow and change. He doesn’t hold my past against me. He doesn’t judge based on who I was. He knows me and loves me for who I am.
- In conclusion, Jesus is the bee's knees, the cat’s pajamas, the gnarliest, most radical, wicked, epic, lit, sick, super, killer, groovy, tubular, awesome sauciest person to ever exist. Don’t even try to tell me I’m wrong.
What is the most awesomest thing about Jesus to you? Comment down below and we can have a Jesus appreciation party together!
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