Saturday, August 19, 2017

#TheReadingQuest Week 1 Update

#TheReadingQuest Week 1 Update
Hey y’all! That’s it! Week one of #TheReadingQuest is over!  It has been a crazy busy week for me, but I read two books! Unfortunately, they can’t count towards my overall quest because I had started them before the quest started :(. But, on a happier note, I can now jump into my reading quest TBR! So, if you want to see my wrap up and the books I have planned for this week, just keep on reading!
The first book I finished this week was Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I had to finish this for summer reading for my literature class. I gave it 1/5 stars because it was terrible! There was no point to this book, no character development, it was hard to read, honestly the list just goes on and on. I am considering doing a full review of this one, so comment down below if you would like to see that.
The second book I read was A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir. Can I just say that I love this series! It is so good! I am definitely doing a review for this one, so stayed tuned for that! I already have a review for the first book in the series, An Ember in the Ashes! For sure a 5 star read!
The books I am planning on reading this week are Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett and the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. If I make it through those (which I doubt I will) I will start in on Libba Bray’s Diviners duology.
I know I said in my original post I would keep you updated on my Twitter, but since I wasn’t reading any books for the quest yet, I haven’t been very active on there. This week I will for sure be posting updates when I start and finish and book. If you want to follow along with me, follow me there!
One more quick announcement! I opened an Etsy shop yesterday and I am selling prints from my Instagram account! It would mean the world if you would go and check out my shop!

Also, big thanks to CW of Read, Think, Ponder for the awesome artwork for this read-a-thon!
Are you participating in the reading quest? Comment down below what you read this week! I would love to hear from you!

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