Thursday, October 19, 2017

1 Year

365 days. 2500 pageviews. 103 posts. 1 blog.
One year ago today, Undeniable Joy was born. It began as a place to post what I was thinking about, what was on my heart. Now, it has grown into more than a blog, it’s an etsy shop,  an instagram account, it’s become a part of my identity. It is the safe place where I share my thoughts, it is where I post sermons, where I rant about books. This blog has become an extension of myself- a catalogue of all of the things that make me undeniably joyful!

I began this to share my passion about Jesus with anyone who stumbled across my blog. Now, I share everything that makes me undeniably joyful! Thank you for sticking with this for a year! You are amazing!

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