A new song by Carrollton came out recently called “In-Between”. It talks about how it is easy to praise the Lord when we are on the mountains and how desperately we call out to him in the valleys. We need help in the dark times and we only see good in the highs. But, what about the times in which we are neither on a mountain nor a in a valley? What do you do with your in-between?
I often find myself neglecting my relationship with the Lord. I get in these slumps in which I don’t know what to do with my prayer and quiet time. I drift further and further. The in-betweens are when I question my faith, when I wonder if God really has a plan. I forget all the good he has done and how faithful he has been. You might not think the in-between is bad, just meh. But I have found that the in-between is the hardest place to be. You are either recovering from a dark time or coming back to reality after a high. Neither of those are easy places to be and that is why we need the Lord during these times.
The song says “I’m going to dance with you in the in-between”. To me, this says that I will still be close to you in my down times. I will still celebrate with you during those times. You are still God even when nothing is happening, I still need you. There will never come a time when I will not desire time with the Lord. But making that desire into action is where things go off the rails in the in-between. To dance with the Lord is to take steps toward him and his unfailing love, not to let the relationship fall apart because things are dull.
Currently, I am coming out of a valley, emerging into my in-between. During these times in the past, I have let my faith drift. But now that I am conscious of this, I will be intentional in spending more time with the Lord and being in a perpetual state of prayer and petition with the Lord. It is not easy at first to do this, but as you spend more and more time with the Lord, it becomes second nature to bring everything to him!
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