Sunday, October 22, 2017


This post is not planned at all. In fact, to make it so I will have posted everyday this month, I have 6 minutes to write it. This is unorganized and messy, but it is where I am right now. Here we go:
I am exhausted. I spent the past 11 hours driving home from one of the longest weekends of my life. It took a toll on me emotionally and physically after an already long week. But, it goes beyond that. The past 6 or so weeks have been hard. I have lost a lot: people I loved and my peace. And yet, here I am. Still alive, still turning my wheels. The only answer I have for this is that God is on my side. He is here and he is alive!
So I am exhausted and late and I still have so much to do, but God is with me. For that reason, I shall never fear nor loose hope. I am never alone. I can give him my burdens and fears and he takes them on with a joyful heart. Bring your sorrows to the Lord, he can and will heal you. He will bring you through the storms.

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