Monday, October 30, 2017

October Wrap Up and November TBR

Ah, October! Cool weather (finally), Halloween movie marathons, tea, and pumpkin everything! While I love the fall and everything about it, this month was pretty sad reading wise for me. I only read one book, which was for my lit class because I have not been prioritizing reading lately. But, in the month of November I have high hopes because I (sort of) have things back under control ! So, stick around if you want to see my October Wrap Up and my November TBR.
The one book I completed in the month of October was Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I gave it 3 out of 5 stars because, while it was one of the more enjoyable classics, reading things for school often ruins the text by over analyzing it (which makes me really sad…). Anyways, if you are interested in getting into more classic american lit, I highly recommend this one! It is easy to understand, short, and engaging!
I started and did not complete two books this month. The first of which is Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas, which I have enjoyed for the most part. I am dragging it out because I love this world and am not ready to leave it, plus there is so much going on I have trouble keeping things straight when I read a lot at once. The second is Night Film, which is so intriguing! I just began it, but I love the plot (so far), characters, and the mixed media!
In the month of November I am hoping to complete those two, as well as read One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake! It is one of my most anticipated releases of this year and I cannot wait to be able to read it!
What have you read this month? Comment down below so we can chat about books!

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